Friday, 30 March 2012
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Friday, 23 March 2012
In this process I used a variety of equipment and software that I have never used before or even heard of. Primarily, we used I macs to set up our Blogs and do all the software based stuff.
A really big problem was using the E05 Cannon camera. Nobody in my team has ever used it and we struggled using it from the preliminary task. We had teaching into how to use is and taught ourself from the web.
Lights was another problem. We hardly used it in the preliminary task so using it now was difficult. Again we used web to help us get that orange glow to it.
Sony Vegas Pro 11
Sony vegas pro was used to help edit the typing sound of the titles used in the final movie (check Editing Post for more details)
Adobe Photoshop Cs5
Microsoft Excel 2010
In this process I used a variety of equipment and software that I have never used before or even heard of. Primarily, we used I macs to set up our Blogs and do all the software based stuff.
A really big problem was using the E05 Cannon camera. Nobody in my team has ever used it and we struggled using it from the preliminary task. We had teaching into how to use is and taught ourself from the web.
Lights was another problem. We hardly used it in the preliminary task so using it now was difficult. Again we used web to help us get that orange glow to it.
Sony Vegas Pro 11
Sony vegas pro was used to help edit the typing sound of the titles used in the final movie (check Editing Post for more details)
Adobe Photoshop Cs5
We used adobe Photoshop Cs5 for minor editing like annotations and print screen edits. We also made the poster on in photoshop
We used excel to format our data collected in the planning stage and process it into charts and graphs to see patterns and give conclusions.
Adobe After Effects CS5
In my opinion this and the camera was the most complex piece of technolgy I used in the production of our movie. It was so complex and detailed. The typing effect was made all by me which was quite satisfying if i must say instead of just adding a effect to it. The process of getting use to editing keyframes and keeping contingency was difficult and long but in the end became worth it.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Our media project contains non diegetic music that contrast to typical horror conventions. Its slow tempo feeds into the calm, harmless interchanging messages sent and received by the talker and the victim, until the final shot where the victim is hung from the tree and shows a great opposition in relation to the previous scenes. This will make the audience ask multiple questions as to what exactly just happened which we thought was a great idea. This method of not reveal too much in opening sequences is shown to be effective in drawing audiences in in movies like seven, where pretty much nothing is shown. Countless close ups of different things that locations are not revealed helps question the audience as well. The costume and attitude of the female character can relate to almost any women that cares about here appearance and can have an effect on drawing the audience in. We have the idea that advertising our digital posters on social networks such as Facebook and twitter will get our audiences attention.
We received feedback from people and they agreed that the choice of music and the way it was shot created an interesting opening, although the opinions could be biased due to the fact we knew the people we were asking.
We received feedback from people and they agreed that the choice of music and the way it was shot created an interesting opening, although the opinions could be biased due to the fact we knew the people we were asking.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Our film would be difficult to sell to distributors. Although we have a unique idea, pitch our film to an institution would not sound appealing to independent film distributors as the opening might not make sense to them. That is why a condensed summary of the film is what would do the trick. A wealthy intelligent man is a counter-type and has a obsession on challenging stereotypes even if it means killing strero-typical girls in order to get his point across; his ultimate goal out of this is to find someone that loves him for himself as everyone loves him when he is not himself. He finds a girl that is a potential candidate but soon realises that she is just as clever as him and has her way with men and nobody can tell her otherwise which drives him insane as he cannot get to her, another one of her fans that worships the ground she walks on tries to warn her about peculiar stuff happening around her due to the stalker. While all this happens, police is on the case slowly cornering him.
Film company Miramax is great at distributing Independent horrors such as 'Halloween The Curse Of Michael Myers' which proved to be such a great success. Our film has that flare to it that makes it perfect for Miramax; from as big as the mise en scen to the title fonts involved. According to IMBD, Halloween was estimated to 5mill budget and made more the 7mill in the USA alone in 1 screen. We believe our movie has parallels to Halloween and can see why wont it make that much too.
We believe our film should be a limited release saying 50 prints or so and should be played at film festivals such as 'Raindance Film Festival' which helps promote independent UK films and then we will see what happens from there. To be more precise, a motion picture unit of Miramax Called Dimension films could be ideal for the distribution of the film. This is because of the parallels of our project with previous successful horrors. They would be in favour to distribute our movie because of the low budget needed to create it; So, more money can be put into marketing, consequently leading into a profitable margin. Additionally, there could be marketing spinoffs like a 'chatroom' app that could potentially lead to viral marketing.

We believe our film should be a limited release saying 50 prints or so and should be played at film festivals such as 'Raindance Film Festival' which helps promote independent UK films and then we will see what happens from there. To be more precise, a motion picture unit of Miramax Called Dimension films could be ideal for the distribution of the film. This is because of the parallels of our project with previous successful horrors. They would be in favour to distribute our movie because of the low budget needed to create it; So, more money can be put into marketing, consequently leading into a profitable margin. Additionally, there could be marketing spinoffs like a 'chatroom' app that could potentially lead to viral marketing.
Monday, 19 March 2012
The young female can be categorised as a stereotypical teenager in multiple ways. The selection of shots used in our media product depicts her social status. The close up shots of her drawing love hearts about the guys as well as playing noughts and crosses with herself represents the naive teen beauty being head over heels to a complete stranger. This happens in modern day society where teens constantly think they are in 'love' just by simple wordplay of another. The fact that she is playing naught and crosses with herself reflects the stereotype that teens are lonely people and but always searches for that missing piece of the puzzle in their life.
Also, the shot of her rosy pink lips and the shot of her drinking water plays into the ideology that the stereotypical teenage girls contently worry about their apparently hence does things to make them more attractive; in other words they are always trying to climb the never ending beauty ladder. Appearance is an important aspect for some teenagers such as typical beauty queen, like the female character Melek played. Although the shot selection of the male is almost identical,but narrates a different social class with him. This mans' appearance is in deep contrast with the young beauty queen, with things like his hair, nails and teeth poorly groomed. There is purple discharge from his mouth indicating the significant contrast with appearance with the female.
He is shown to be heating up a drug mixture in a spoon, suggesting low life self abuser that is looked down upon by society. He is in a dark basement on a social network pretending to be someone he is not to find his soul mate as his current self does not prove to be successful. This makes the audience feel pity towards him, as he is societies reject. His insecurities lead to him to believe he is not accepted in society so he has a pretend to be someone else to get closure. The male desires his intertextual lover but is yet to find her, so he ,murders the less fortunate out of ignorance.
Also, the shot of her rosy pink lips and the shot of her drinking water plays into the ideology that the stereotypical teenage girls contently worry about their apparently hence does things to make them more attractive; in other words they are always trying to climb the never ending beauty ladder. Appearance is an important aspect for some teenagers such as typical beauty queen, like the female character Melek played. Although the shot selection of the male is almost identical,but narrates a different social class with him. This mans' appearance is in deep contrast with the young beauty queen, with things like his hair, nails and teeth poorly groomed. There is purple discharge from his mouth indicating the significant contrast with appearance with the female.
He is shown to be heating up a drug mixture in a spoon, suggesting low life self abuser that is looked down upon by society. He is in a dark basement on a social network pretending to be someone he is not to find his soul mate as his current self does not prove to be successful. This makes the audience feel pity towards him, as he is societies reject. His insecurities lead to him to believe he is not accepted in society so he has a pretend to be someone else to get closure. The male desires his intertextual lover but is yet to find her, so he ,murders the less fortunate out of ignorance.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Monday, 12 March 2012
This is a little screen recording on some of the editing done by me in post production of our media project.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Potential Poster
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Thursday, 1 March 2012
More shooting
Yesterday was hectic day of filming. we had a deadline to meet, that by today, we would have all the footage needed and would begin editing before half term. So the crew went to school to pick up the equipment yesterday at around 11 and arrived at my house at appropriately 1 to film the basement scene. we had a drastic setback yet again as the internet connection did not seem to work today so, the filming of the conversation between the stalker and the young teen could not be filmed. we spent almost 3 hours trying to fix it but decided to get filming with the other shots.
We filmed all the way to 7pm when our actor had to go home. luckily for us we had completed the shots with him needed. Although, after receiving feedback on our storyboard form various people, it was suggested to have a variety of shots and not just close and extreme close ups. So our team decided to go to a park at night and film long and medium shot to have a variety as-well as to set the scene. we filmed some great shots with the snow on our side.
we finally finished that but the night was not over. In order to get every shot done, we had to still get the conversation shots with no computer. So we travelled to a friends house and asked to use his computer. Finally after all of that, I got home with the camera and decided to film extra footage of the basement just in case it might be needed. Overall, yesterday was the most exhausting day so far but really thrilling.
We filmed all the way to 7pm when our actor had to go home. luckily for us we had completed the shots with him needed. Although, after receiving feedback on our storyboard form various people, it was suggested to have a variety of shots and not just close and extreme close ups. So our team decided to go to a park at night and film long and medium shot to have a variety as-well as to set the scene. we filmed some great shots with the snow on our side.
we finally finished that but the night was not over. In order to get every shot done, we had to still get the conversation shots with no computer. So we travelled to a friends house and asked to use his computer. Finally after all of that, I got home with the camera and decided to film extra footage of the basement just in case it might be needed. Overall, yesterday was the most exhausting day so far but really thrilling.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Monday, 20 February 2012
Delay In Shooting
There has been 2 setbacks in terms of shooting out main task. First was that our school had us to go to our extra curriculum activity when we was suppose to shoot on 25-02-12. The second was on the 27-01-12 where one of our team mates had to be taken to hospital so we couldn't film. The picture provided is evidence for this.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Friday, 10 February 2012
Lighting is crucial in our movie so we had to get it spot on. Nobody in the group has used the lights before so today was the day we experimented with them. We had filters to adjust the colour of the shot which we thought was useful because the raw light itself gave too much exposure. we were trying to get a fiery dim orange colour to make the stalker look as if he is in a lair/dungeon.
We Found a way to alter the amount of light coming in by adjusting the barn doors. This would be useful in the main task.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Final Script
Final Final Script
This is the final script after many changes were made. We took out the black screen transitions as it was simply copping the opening sequence of Seven so we thought about having a typing effect
Monday, 6 February 2012
Company Logo
- Smiley Face productions - A very ironic company name as our movie is a horror/thriller
- Red eyes studios - Just a name we thought was catchy
- Broken bone productions
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Complete Storyboard
Changes were made to the storyboard as we changed the titles from the similar ones showed in seven to a more original typing effect that has more of a relation to the film.
Monday, 30 January 2012
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Friday, 27 January 2012
The Story (Draft)
This is the initial plot of the film the plan to shoot. It is a vague summary of the movie to understand the opening credits a lot more.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Script Draft
This is the first draft of our script for our main task. THere was many mistakes so we re-draffed it but this is the initial one.
The Chatroom
Friday, 13 January 2012
Audience Research Questionnaire
This was the first question given to the public to see there age as this is a vital piece of planning in knowing our target audience.
This was a question given to over 170 people to get a vaiety of data and make the dada more reliable. This was done to decide on what genre to choose for our media project.
We needed more than a type of genre to choose for our media project and we found that horror/thriller was very popular for the people in the sample.
We decided to ask them if the horror/thriller they watch is predictable. This helped us in coming up with a pretty complex plot.
Finally, we asked them if they name of the thriller mattered as we need to know to challenge the convention of typical horrors having scary names or not
Monday, 9 January 2012
Main Task Inspiration
I drew inspiration from various media products in the aid of my main task. After setting up focus groups and and doing selected survays and finding out that a horror is a good sub- genre to base our movie on. So with that in mind, we reasearched many horror products and looked closely at the mise en scene and tried to draw inspiration from that. Such as the opening credits to seven.
I was watching a music video done by UK artists and I came across well shot low budget scary mise en scene in the videos that gave us a rough idea as into how to create a scary environment.
Bashy - Ransom
Skepta - Mike Lowery
Krept & Konan - Paranormal Activity Remix
I believe that all these dark music videos have a post production edit, like the one I tried in my preliminary task as well as lighting, that give it that dark scary thriller-ish look to it. The rest of the team thought that giving our media product this look is vital in creating that dark atmosphere.
I was watching a music video done by UK artists and I came across well shot low budget scary mise en scene in the videos that gave us a rough idea as into how to create a scary environment.
Bashy - Ransom
Skepta - Mike Lowery
Krept & Konan - Paranormal Activity Remix
I believe that all these dark music videos have a post production edit, like the one I tried in my preliminary task as well as lighting, that give it that dark scary thriller-ish look to it. The rest of the team thought that giving our media product this look is vital in creating that dark atmosphere.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Preliminary Task Inspiration
We had so much inspiration for our Preliminary Task. I found that I wanted a dark gradient to my video and I got inspiration from "The Matrix"
Audio for our task was a problem as there was so much talking over our footage that a music overlay was needed to create a good clip. The rest of my team were didn't see my vision see my vision of a dark enigma clip we went separate ways in editing the footage. I found the soundtrack of "28 days Later" had a nice spooky feel to it and is exactly what i needed.
This was all the inspiration i needed for my task.
Audio for our task was a problem as there was so much talking over our footage that a music overlay was needed to create a good clip. The rest of my team were didn't see my vision see my vision of a dark enigma clip we went separate ways in editing the footage. I found the soundtrack of "28 days Later" had a nice spooky feel to it and is exactly what i needed.
Preliminary exercise
Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door,
crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then
exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action,
shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then
exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action,
shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
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